Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Disappearing wooden thread reels

Hi beautiful

A different tack today. As I've been so fortunate to have been given the remaining bits and pieces of a great aunt's, aunts' and a mother's sewing supplies over the years, I thought it high time to gather the common elements together and celebrate their stories.

First up, I'm starting with the common cotton reel, those we use in our machine sewing as a matter of course. It came as a surprise today when I came upon four wooden cotton reels.
Wooden thread reels
It suddenly hit me how long it had been since I'd used wooden ones. I have a wide variety of reels as no doubt do you, but most of these are made either from cardboard or plastic. Relying on my own memory, I'd say that wooden reels were last used in the 1960's. I have rather a soft spot for these reels.

I was especially taken with the large reel of Barbour's linen thread. It stands at 2.25" high and 1.75" in diameter. I think this one will remain unused as I love its old warm look. I think of treadle sewing machines.
Top of reel

Bottom of reel
The smaller reels are tiny, compared to today's, being 1.5" high and 1 and 7/8" in diameter. Petite, to be treasured also.
Small reel - top & bottom labels
Wooden cotton reels - love them.

Are any hiding in your sewing basket?

Till next time.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly not anymore, but I do remember seeing the Mercer and Coats reels in my mother's sewing box growing up.
