Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Journey collage

Hi beautiful

This past week, I got into collage. Pure serendipity from start to finish!
Journey collage
Starting  with a page from an old desktop calendar, already layered with paper and painted with acrylics; armed with a couple of containers of random pieces of scrap paper and open to whatever may happen, I ventured forth.

A deer beckoned.
A quote discovered.

 "Je pourrais escalader des montagnes". (I could climb mountains!)

Torn scraps adhered.
I was so enjoying this journey!

Je pourrais escalader des montagnes!
Stamped and painted.
Et voila, fini!
Journey tag
Deer climbing mountains
It's amazing the buzz I got just flowing along on this journey, allowing the papers to guide me.

Looking at this now, reminds me of one of my favourite movies from my youth - The Sound of Music and one of the inspirational songs which has stayed with me through the years.

Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
Till you find your dream.

May you find your dream.



  1. lovely creativity. thank you for sharing

  2. Beautiful! I have old calendars. Methinks I'm going to give your method a try. Thank you for the inspiration.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

    1. Thanks Su-sieee! It's amazing the multiple uses for old calendars. My initial intention was to rebind all the pages once I had done each page. Time will tell. Have fun with yours!
