Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Gelli plate joy

Hi beautiful

This week, I'm experimenting, trying out different ideas, taking inspiration from others. As we know, experimenting = (do + rethink + try again) * repeat.

Today my inspiration came from a post from Julie Fei-Fan Balzer. In it she uses her gelli plate to create some lovely heart images.(Gelli masked prints)

It's been ages since I used my Gelli plate and I started out with great gusto, tearing up leftover pieces of gelli prints I had stashed away for just this day. I intended to make a mosaic type of foundation paper. Well the tearing into bits and pieces was very therapeutic! I had a beautiful bowl of colourful scraps to collage.

Laying out the pieces on an old calendar page, I realised this wasn't quite what I wanted. So - new idea #1!! Use colourful pages from another calendar. That done - phew! Next cut out shapes of letters, numbers from old manilla folders. All was ready!

My gelli plate had been patiently was now her turn.

With great excitement, I slapped acrylic paint on the gelli plate with my brayer, put down a few shapes, laid down the prepared page, pulled and not what I wanted!! Realisation - acrylic paint does not like glossy surface. Idea #2 - the mask shapes looked great. So with more gusto, I gelli plated every letter, number, shape I had.

Idea #3 - combine number/letter with shape. Great result!!

Gelli plated shapes #1
Gelli plated shapes #2
Don't you just love serendipity! From trying something different, I learnt a few things and ended up with some delicious shapes to embellish my daily journal! Not to mention, a bowl of colour pieces just waiting to be glued......

Happy creating!


  1. These are so cool and great technique! I bet they'll make great pieces to add to an art journal.

    1. Thanks Abigail! Some have already made their way into my art journal.
